
Showing posts from June, 2012

Prometheus Review

We Have Found God. Turns Out He’s a 10 Foot Tall  Steroid Addicted Fester Addams. I know I am not the only one on the internet who hates prequels.  In concept, a prequel is about as pointless as it gets.  The common prequel starts off with an established piece of backstory from whatever it is prequeling, and then proceeds to take the viewer right up to the earliest events of the original story.  So it’s basically telling a story that we already know with an ending we’ve already seen.  What a waste of time.  When I heard that Prometheus was a prequel to the prolific Alien franchise, I was disheartened.  However, if you hate prequels like me, put your fears to rest. Prometheus is not a prequel to Alien.  Prometheus is in fact its own story.     Prometheus is about the search for the origin of human kind.  All across the world, ancient civilizations mapped out the existence of a distant planet.  This planet may be the home of an alien race that created human kind.  Our o