The Avengers Review
We all knew this day was coming. Ever since the end of the credit roll in Iron Man back in 2008, we all knew that one day, The Avengers would assemble. That day has now come. However, gathering these heroes together is no easy feat, as The Avengers is not simply its own movie, nor is it simply the continuation of five movies that came before it. It is also a movie that carries the weight of four separate film franchises on its shoulders. The task ahead is not easy, not to mention the scale of the hype that has been building for four long years. The Avengers could only go two ways. Either it was going to be the greatest super hero film of all time, or it was going to be the most disappointing film venture in the history of cinema. When I review a movie, I try not to nitpick. What I try to do is analyze what the movie did right or wrong from a more academic level. That’s kind of the problem with Avengers. I cannot ...